Head of the Research Institute: Assoc. prof. Helena Blažun Vošner, PhD, PhD.  


The research institute was founded with the purpose to provide a more suitable organization and coordination of scientific research in the field of health and social sciences. Findings of the research work will be a basis for developing new study programmes of FHSS.

In 2012 the Research Institute signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of research with the Institute for health sciences of the University of Oulu. (Finland). 

The FHSS research Institute will connect higher education teachers and colleagues and will conduct duties with accordance with the 22nd article of the FHSS  statute, and: 

  • Publishing a scientific journal with current professional and scientific articles from the healthcare and nursing fields, as well as other sciences within the activities of the FHSS departments. Including foreign professionals into the editorial board and the option to gain the SCI factor for the journal;
  • Actively including students of FHSS into research work;
  • Monitoring and entering FHSS on listed national and international research projects, which are listed by the SRA, Ministry of higher education, science and technology, and other institutions in the Republic of Slovenia;
  • Informing and coordinating the work of the FHSS research team;
  • Other works and assignments, ordered by the dean of FHSS and the associate dean for research.  

With founding of the institute we wish to reach the next set goals: 

  • Creating new knowledge and awareness, and transferring that knowledge into public interest;
  • Integrating researchers and professionals from healthcare and nursing fields, who, with their research work and their implementations of the modern knowledge and methods into everyday clinical practice, are raising the quality and professional conduct of the public health care;
  • Developing human resources and research creativity with increasing the role of science in educating the staff. 

Quality indicators 

The institute will monitor the following indicators of success and effectiveness: 

  • The number of acquired scientific research projects from SRA, MHEST, and other sources.
  • The number of scientific events per year.
  • The number of published researches of researchers from FHSS in national and international journals.  

The research activities report will be a part of the evaluation report of FHSS.