Full name: Fakulteta za zdravstvene in socialne vede Slovenj Gradec / Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Slovenj Gradec.

Headquarters:  Glavni trg 1, 2380 Slovenj Gradec

Abreviation: FZSV SG

Dean: prof. Danica Železnik, PhD


  • Deans office - secretariat: +386 (0)2 620 06 47
  • Study and student affairs office: +386 (0)2 620 96 47
  • Mobile:  +386 (0)70 723 629

Email: [email protected] ali [email protected]

Webpage: www.fzsv.si

Registration number: 3551962000

Tax number: 52791700, exempt from VAT

Bank account: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank - SI56 10100 0046592781